Comments on: Teachers, students, and online behaviour Open information and technology. Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:20:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: sample essay writing UK Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:20:37 +0000 Teachers are playing very crucial role in student life because whatever they learn from teachers they will show off to others. If teachers play bad behavior in class so I think it definitely showing bad impression on students which are not good for their life.

By: David Megginson Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:32:53 +0000 John: the original point of my post was to argue for more freedom for students and teachers to communicate (compared with the Ontario College of Teachers guidelines), but I respect your opinion that my arguments didn’t go far enough. I have a foot on both sides: as you know, I’m a strong advocate of openness and transparency in all communication, but at the same time, I can’t forget that dozens of boys of my age in Kingston — a number of whom I knew — suffered sexual abuse over many years from a popular, charismatic adult choirmaster (and some other men) operating under the shelter of our Anglican cathedral.

I used the same open-door policy you mention for one-on-one meetings with students when I was a young university prof in 1992 – I think that’s adequately public and transparent for dealing with young adults at college or university, and is probably suitable for high school students as well (as long as it’s during regular school hours when people are likely to be passing in the hall).

Email at college is a different situation than high school — college students are adults (if still young and vulnerable ones), and they have a right to privacy even from their parents. Most high schools deal with email risk by requiring teachers to use Board-supplied accounts, which, presumably, can be monitored and audited (I doubt that happens, except after an accusation); personally, I would also CC the parents on any correspondence, unless there were some concern about the parents themselves that prevented that, in which case I would CC the principal or guidance councilor.

By: johnwcowan Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:04:09 +0000 Well, no, not really. Are we to say that there should be no private student-teacher conferences now? I was often asked to stop by a teacher’s classroom after school or between periods to discuss something, or did so on my own hook. Nowadays it might be thought wiser to keep the door open to prevent the exchange of information by non-verbal methods, but the general principle of professional but private interchange still makes sense to me.

My daughter routinely notifies her college instructors by email when she must miss a class and expects to get a reply by email telling her what the homework assignment was. This was also true in high school (though less so — fewer teachers disclosed their email addresses then), so it’s not just a matter of her age.
