Comments on: How to install a usable Emacs in Android (Feb 2014) Open information and technology. Sun, 05 Nov 2017 14:48:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bette Sun, 05 Nov 2017 14:48:23 +0000 Thank you very much. It seems to have worked.

By: David Megginson Thu, 28 May 2015 11:52:25 +0000 In reply to S.R.

I haven’t tried a local .Emacs file yet, but it should work.

By: S.R Thu, 28 May 2015 09:13:09 +0000 Thank you! This is very helpful!
Followed the instructions exactly and it works great. Now I can edit files on my phone and not lug a laptop around all the time.
I wonder if my desktop .emacs config file will work on the phone, and if it should go in the /sdcard/emacs directory?

By: Update: running Emacs in Android L (Lollipop) | Quoderat Tue, 26 May 2015 11:42:39 +0000 […] February 2014, I posted instructions for installing Gnu Emacs in older versions of Android. These instructions no longer work in Android L (Lollipop), because of […]

By: Yannick Lagrange Thu, 09 Apr 2015 18:19:24 +0000 still seems down, and because I really wanted org mode on my android tablet I resorted to the app “Linux Deploy”, which enabled me to install debian on my tablet (and ubuntu on my phone!). From there it’s easy to install emacs, just using apt-get as usual. Linux Deploy let me mount my sd card, and I now use foldersync to sync my org files from my dropbox to my sdcard in Android, and then a little bash script to copy them to my home directory in my linux system (permissions are messed up so I can’t seem to edit the files under linux on the sd card directly without being root). As a side-effect I also have python3 and haskell on my phone and tablet now 😀

By: anonymous Tue, 13 Jan 2015 15:13:06 +0000 In reply to David Megginson.

By: David Megginson Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:23:20 +0000 In reply to David Megginson.

And if anyone does so and puts the files online somewhere, please share the link here.

By: David Megginson Tue, 06 Jan 2015 18:22:51 +0000 In reply to Christian.

I suggest (temporarily) installing it from the Play store, grabbing the various files, then repackaging them as a zip or tarball. It will be easiest to do on a rooted device, but since the Play package ships with a shell, it will probably be possible to copy the key files from that shell (since it will start as the user that owns the app).

By: Christian Tue, 06 Jan 2015 17:14:20 +0000 zielm mirror is down again. Does someone have a mirror that works? Please…

By: D Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:24:51 +0000 In reply to David Megginson.

The download link is broken again. Is there a mirror anywhere?

By: David Megginson Mon, 01 Dec 2014 10:34:48 +0000 In reply to Luca.

I’m using just a generic Logitech BT keyboard, and haven’t had to worry about key swapping.

By: Luca Sun, 30 Nov 2014 18:51:05 +0000 Hi David, which bt keyboard do you use along with your tablet and emacs? Plus, do you know if it is possible to swap the Ctrl key and the Bloc Maiusc key? This is the way I have my keyboard set up on my computer, and it is one of the few things preventing the transition to tablet from happening!

Thanks in advance, and thanks for your article!

By: Sergey Thu, 30 Oct 2014 03:20:52 +0000 Lovely, thanks!
For people with emacs crashing on startup – it crashes for me in portrait mode, but not in landscape. Suppose there’s a minimum screen width requirement…

By: Mark Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:48:03 +0000 Nice HowTo. Thx!
Would you also have an idea how to apply your approach to a different terminal app?
More specifically to Jack Palevich’s Terminal Emulator for Android?
I followed your approach for that one, but invoking emacs I get an error message right from the start, saying that the ‘Terminal type’ would not be supported.
I tried putting the terminfo files from into various places on my device and also tried to set TERM and TERMINFO in various ways, but I admittedly I don’t really know what I am doing, and consequentially I cannot get it to work.
Any help would be most appreciated.

By: Andreas Sat, 28 Jun 2014 05:20:23 +0000 I installed everything according to the instructions and it works fine, but:

Terminal IDE does not support UTF-8.

Non-ASCII characters are not displayed.
(It is mentioned in the Playstore description.)

There is a feature request on the project page but the last comment was 1 year ago.
It seems Terminal IDE development is resting.

By: David Megginson Sat, 17 May 2014 13:34:46 +0000 In reply to izakharyaschev.

I think it’s a great idea to do a new native Android port of Emacs for use within Terminal IDE — I don’t have the time to do it, but I certainly have the time to test, and will happily update this blog post with a link if/when you have one ready.

In the meantime, seems to be back up again. We should probably mirror it, in case the site goes offline permanently.

By: Michael Hoogkamer Sat, 17 May 2014 13:02:12 +0000 Nice, brilliant and thanks! Finally got “emacs for Android” working, and it even recognizes org.mode.

By: izakharyaschev Wed, 07 May 2014 12:49:13 +0000 I’ve tried recently using the Emacs app from the Play Store, but the software couldn’t be downloaded because can’t be resolved.

Anyway, I believe that compiling Emacs against the Android environment (to get the paths correct for an app, and correct library links) and running it from inside a nice terminal in Android is no big conceptual problem. So I might try to do this some time to get an Emacs working even in an unrooted Android.

As for a rooted Android, it has been long known that it is possible to install a GNU/Linux distro into a chroot.

But out of interest, I was also interested to get a running Emacs in an unrooted Android.

As a faster solution (without recompiling Emacs against the Android environment), I’ve used the GNURoot app (with GNURoot Wheezy) which allows to use a GNU/Linux distro like Debian in an unrooted Android. There I could start Emacs, as well as ssh to my computers, and hopefully I’ll be able to use TRAMP, too. (I haven’t yet tried this out.)

The GNURoot app does all this by means of a [“PTRACE container”]( implemented by [“proot”]( interception of syscalls and “emulating” what should be done in the different Android and unprivileged environment. (Redirecting paths, faking the root user privileges, etc.)

[It was a while ago when I learned about such projects](

It’s a pity that source code for GNURoot]( seems not to be well documented, so it’s not easy to start hacking with it right away or at least learn how all the things have been compiled and put together from source.

By: Emmanuel Charpentier Sun, 04 May 2014 14:43:42 +0000 I’d love to have this on my phone (not for heavy work, but to have some usable text editor to review latex file I happen to have on the phone..). I tried the prepackaged version : was a pain in the ass (insisted to run in lanscape mode, which is an exruciating pain somewhere on a phone…) then uninstalled it.

Then installed Terminal IDE (went fine) then followed your instructions. This hangs at the launch of ~/emacs : clears screen (except for softkeyboard), maints a line of dashes in the all-but-las line of the (usable part of the) screen, displays “using loadpath (/sdcard/emacs/lisp) n the last line (the cursor is right after the closing paren) an hangs … indefinitely.

Trying to close terminal emulator does not succeds : even after wiping it from the task list, a second consultation of the task list shows it back again. Trying to shutdown all terminals does not succeed either. The only way I found to get rid of it is to reboot the phone.

Any suggestion ? Note : I’m totally ignorant of java and Android : my background is Unix, C, Lisp and R ; I might be a little bit out of my depth here…

By: Keishiko Fri, 02 May 2014 10:22:12 +0000 Hi. Thank you for sharing this. I was able to follow every instruction you gave, then when I tried ~/emacs, I got “Loading emacs-lisp/byte-run (compiled; note, source file is newer)…” Nothing happens after waiting for quite sometime that’s why I terminated Terminal IDE. What should I do? Thank you and more power!
