XML 2007: XForms evening

In addition to the main conference programme, we’re offering two special evening events at XML 2007 (Boston, 3–5 December): an XForms evening on Monday evening, and Standards and Specs lightning rounds on Tuesday evening.

Each of these is a mini conference within a conference, with shorter presentations devoted to a single theme. The Monday XForms evening promises to be particularly fast-paced and interesting, with six 15-minute presentations followed by a half-hour closing keynote.

XForms evening (Monday 3 December 2007)

7:30: Seeing is Believing: Intuitive Visual XForms Design
John Boyer, IBM Canada
XForms offers an order of magnitude simplification to the design and development of business applications.
7:45: The Pure Declarative Approach: XForms in Real Estate Forms Case Study
Dan McCreary, Dan McCreary & Associates
The declarative power of XForms empowers business units to maintain their own applications without IT involvement, using graphical specification capture.
8:00: Creating a Custom Editor for Everything
Doug Tidwell, IBM
Use XForms to create a custom editor for an XML vocabulary. The key to this magic is a set of XML configuration files.
8:15: XForms and the eXist XML database: a perfect couple
Erik Bruchez, Orbeon
XForms speaks XML natively, and so does the open source eXist XML
database. In this talk, we show how they form a particularly
attractive combination.
8:30: XForms, XHTML, and RDFa for Internet-Facing Applications
Mark Birbeck, x-port.net Ltd., W3C Invited Expert
Combine XForms, XHTML, and RDFa to build and test widgets, gadgets, and applications.
8:45: Composition and Choreography of Web Components in XForms
Charles Wiecha, IBM Research
Leveraging the MVC design of XForms, Web 2.0 applications can be designed as reusable components loosely coupled using XAC and SCXML.
9:00: Keynote: How XForms Can Win
Elliotte Rusty Harold, Dept. of Computer Science, Polytechnic University
XForms: will it be a dream, or a dud? In this keynote address to the XForms community, Elliotte Rusty Harold offers his vision and advice on the future of XForms. (30 minutes)
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