In addition to the main conference programme, we’re offering two special evening events at XML 2007 (Boston, 3–5 December): an XForms evening on Monday evening, and Standards and Specs lightning rounds on Tuesday evening.
Each of these is a mini conference within a conference, with shorter presentations devoted to a single theme. The Monday XForms evening promises to be particularly fast-paced and interesting, with six 15-minute presentations followed by a half-hour closing keynote.
XForms evening (Monday 3 December 2007)
- 7:30: Seeing is Believing: Intuitive Visual XForms Design
- John Boyer, IBM Canada
- XForms offers an order of magnitude simplification to the design and development of business applications.
- 7:45: The Pure Declarative Approach: XForms in Real Estate Forms Case Study
- Dan McCreary, Dan McCreary & Associates
- The declarative power of XForms empowers business units to maintain their own applications without IT involvement, using graphical specification capture.
- 8:00: Creating a Custom Editor for Everything
- Doug Tidwell, IBM
- Use XForms to create a custom editor for an XML vocabulary. The key to this magic is a set of XML configuration files.
- 8:15: XForms and the eXist XML database: a perfect couple
- Erik Bruchez, Orbeon
- XForms speaks XML natively, and so does the open source eXist XML
database. In this talk, we show how they form a particularly
attractive combination. - 8:30: XForms, XHTML, and RDFa for Internet-Facing Applications
- Mark Birbeck, Ltd., W3C Invited Expert
- Combine XForms, XHTML, and RDFa to build and test widgets, gadgets, and applications.
- 8:45: Composition and Choreography of Web Components in XForms
- Charles Wiecha, IBM Research
- Leveraging the MVC design of XForms, Web 2.0 applications can be designed as reusable components loosely coupled using XAC and SCXML.
- 9:00: Keynote: How XForms Can Win
- Elliotte Rusty Harold, Dept. of Computer Science, Polytechnic University
- XForms: will it be a dream, or a dud? In this keynote address to the XForms community, Elliotte Rusty Harold offers his vision and advice on the future of XForms. (30 minutes)