The XML 2007 conference (Boston, 3–5 December) now supports both personal schedules and recommendations, thanks to Edd Dumbill and Expectnation.
Personal schedule
If you’re planning to attend the conference (and I hope you are), you can create a free account (or use your OpenID), then visit the Conference schedule page. If you’re logged in, you’ll see a star in the top right corner of each slot. If you click on the star, it will turn yellow, and the presentation will be added to your personal schedule.
The web site uses people’s schedules to set up recommendations. For example, at the time I’m writing this, you can visit the page for Stewart Taylor’s and Adam Lee’s presentation XML and XPath in the Wild (analyzing the XML and XPath actually found on the web and in Open Source projects) and get a list of these recommendations for other presentations to attend:
- Kelly Stirman’s First Encounters with Office Open XML
- Norm Walsh’s XProc: An XML Pipeline Language
- Kurt Cagle’s Lightweight XML
- Tony Graham’s Testing XSLT
You don’t have to be registered for the conference to do this — feel free just to poke around and see if you can put together a personal schedule that tempts you to come to balmy Boston in December.