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Tag Archives: web
White-texting Google
[Update: the white text no longer helps Oxcyon — they’re not even the top hit for their own company name any more.] I’ve just stumbled across the most extreme white-text example I’ve ever seen, and it belongs not to a … Continue reading
Tagged web
GET requests and "wings fall off" buttons
Bill de hÓra is outraged that people are blaming Google Web Accelerator (GWA) for following HTTP GET links, rather than blaming the morons^H^H^H^H^H^Hweb developers who built web sites that use innocent-looking GET requests for actions with side effects, like (say) … Continue reading
Tagged web
Life without cookies (or URL rewriting)
Is it possible (for webapps, that is)? Is it desirable? Current practice is to set up a session on the server side, then use the cookie (or a GET parameter or URL substring) as a key to associate individual HTTP … Continue reading
Tagged programming, web
Six Degrees of Wikipedia
[Update: automated search: see below] My kids have independently come up with something very similar to the old Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game — they choose two arbitrary Wikipedia topics (say, feces and Paris Hilton) and then figure out … Continue reading
Tagged web
How SSL/TLS is broken, socially
SSL/TLS works pretty well on the technical side, but on the social side, it’s broken, because so many sites (especially small ones) don’t use it, requiring users to send passwords and other private information in the clear. The problem is … Continue reading
Tagged web
SSL/TLS RSS Challenge
[Update: more results] [Update: some results left as comments; and more.] Thanks to everyone who posted comments on my Password-Protected RSS challenge three weeks ago. It turned out that the vast majority of feed readers can handle HTTP basic authentication … Continue reading
Tagged blogging, web
Password-Protected RSS Challenge
[More updates from comments.] [Update: many more results, collected from comments. It looks like nearly every feed reader can handle at least HTTP basic authentication, which is good news for people planning to use RSS and Atom in government or … Continue reading
Tagged blogging, web
Canadian Geocoder + XML API
A geocoder is a system that takes a street address and converts it to an (approximate) latitude and longitude for use in GPS navigation, online cartography, and similar applications. MapQuest has a nice online tutorial for different geocoding algorithms, with … Continue reading
Tagged web
Flight Planning with Google Maps
I threw together a very short demo of a partial flight route — the low-level airway V316 from Ottawa to Sault Ste. Marie — overlayed on Google Maps using the new Google Maps API (I’ve also mentioned this in a … Continue reading
Tagged programming, web
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Rails vs. PHP: MVC or view-centric?
This week, I decided to try PHP and Ruby-on-Rails for prototyping web applications (I’d never used either before). These are both web-application frameworks that serious J2EE-type developers tend to sniff at, claiming that they may be fine for simple toys … Continue reading
Tagged programming, web