XML 2007: XML at the Beeb

XML 2007

The track at XML 2007 (Boston, 3–5 December) that I often refer to simply as the “Document track” is actually called “Documents and Publishing.” That’s an important distinction, because publishing — even using a text-y format like XML — doesn’t have to involve producing a document of any kind, print or online.

XML and British television reruns

An excellent illustration of that point is Matthew Browning’s and Robin Doran’s presentation, BBC iPlayer Content production: The Evolution of an XML Tool-Chain. Matthew and Robin talk about how, once the team stopped thinking about their information in relational database terms and started thinking in XML terms (RelaxNG, to be specific), it became a lot easier to manage changes and improvements to the project, which lets viewers watch shows they’ve missed from the last seven days of BBC television. It worked so well, in fact, that two other projects became redundant.

XML in practice

That’s not to say that it was necessarily an easy transition, but in the BBC’s case, at least, the rewards far outstripped the cost. That’s precisely the point of our 2007 conference them, “XML in Practice” — we’ve selected many papers that emphasize what did and didn’t work in real, large-scale projects, rather than focusing on new specs and prototypes, to help people make the same kinds of decisions in their own projects. XML won’t always make sense — in some cases, it will never make sense — but learning from others’ experience is a much better guide than speculation.

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First looks at OpenSocial: part 4 (content for persistence data)

Earlier postings:

I didn’t have time to look at the OpenSocial API yesterday, so I’m continuing today looking at the data format for the last major area, persistence data.

A vision thing?

My first impression of the persistence data API is that it doesn’t belong in v.1 of OpenSocial — unlike the member/friends and activities APIs, it doesn’t seem to be solving a core problem for social-site app writers (I have no way to get at a friends list except through the site’s API, but I can store my own data, thanks). I can see only two reasons that it’s here, neither of them very admirable:

  1. Because someone has a vision of a world where people can write social apps that run entirely on the client side with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, using only resources provided by the social site itself.
  2. Because the GData group in Google co-opted the designers to promote GData in the spec, the same way that the Blu-Ray group in Sony co-opted the PS3 to advance their agenda.

I’ll give Google the benefit of a doubt and assume that it’s a vision thing, but that’s still very unhealthy — specs should solve the real problems of the present, not the speculative problems of the future, especially bare-bones v.1 specs like this.

The format

Now that that’s out of my system, let’s take a look at what you get back from a URL like http://{DOMAIN}/feeds/apps/{appId}/persistence/global (and its many variants). From the spec, here’s what you get when you request a single piece of information from the API:

<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'>
<title type="text">somekey</title>
<content type="text">somevalue</content>

Or, in non-XML terms,

$globals{'somekey'} = 'somevalue'

That comes from a URL like http://{DOMAIN}/feeds/apps/{appId}/persistence/global/somekey which requests a single value. Using the first URL mentioned gets you a feed of name=value pairs, sort-of like an associative array:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<feed xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'>
<link rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed' type='application/atom+xml'
<link rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post' type='application/atom+xml'
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
<generator version='1.0' uri='/feeds'>Orkut</generator>
  <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
  <link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'

There’s only one entry in the spec’s example, but there could be a lot more. Basically, this is the equivalent of something like

$globals = { 'somekey' => 'somevalue' }

The comparison isn’t quite fair, because there are also some links explaining what you can do to modify this information, etc., but it still seems like a lot of markup for not much value (pun intended). I wonder if this would be a good place to use JSON instead of Atom+XML? After all, the serious apps will be doing their own data storage anyway, and the client-only apps will probably use a JavaScript API that hides the Atom from the developer.


As hinted at, at least, in my URL posting, there are several different data scopes:

  • All (global) data for this application on this social site (equivalent of static global variables?).
  • Data for this instance of the application only (equivalent of local or object variables?).
  • Data for this user in this application (i.e. your own profile info about the user, available every time your app runs).
  • Data for this user’s friends in this application (i.e. your own profile info about the friends, available every time your app runs).

It seems like a reasonable division of scope, especially since the app can’t get anything out that it didn’t put in.

Final thought (for now)

I do believe that, eventually, many web apps will be about to outsource storage as a service instead of having to maintain their own databases and database clusters — in fact, Amazon’s S3 and its competitors already provide precisely this service, though they might not be optimized for a lot of name=value look ups. I’m surprised though, that this could be considered a key feature of a social app spec, when so much else was left out.

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XML 2007: Web service vulnerabilities

XML 2007

As I mentioned in an earlier posting, for the XML 2007 conference this year (Boston, 3–5 December) the number of submissions on WS-* topics was way down, while topics like REST, microformats, and mashups are starting to sneak their way from the web into the enterprise world. However, the WS-* submissions we did get were very good, and one that especially grabbed our attention was Mark O’Neill’s Case Notes from a Vulnerability Assessment of a Bank’s Web Services.

Cracking the bank with a white hat

Mark had the enviable opportunity to be part of a team of white-hat crackers, trying to break the security of web services at an unnamed bank — fortunately, he’s been allowed to share his findings with us. After listing vulnerabilities ranging from data smuggling in CDATA sections to SQL injection, he mentions that “the bank’s attempt to apply preventative security measures, such as SSL and XML Schema validation, actually proved to provide a false sense of security, and in fact introduced a number of security vulnerabilities of their own.”

This means you too, REST!

And lest the Restafarians get too smug, he found lots of vulnerabilities in REST as well as WS-*. Beyond Mark’s talk, it’s also worth noting that apps using OpenSocial, which is REST-based, have already been cracked twice, so no one in charge of protecting a net-based API (REST or WS-*) should breathe too easy.

See you in Boston.

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First looks at OpenSocial: part 3 (content for activities)

Earlier postings:

This is the third part of a series where I’m working through the OpenSocial specs as I write — that means that I haven’t preread and predigested this stuff, but am creating a record of how I approach a new set of specifications and try to understand them. First, I looked at the basic URLs for data access, since they provide the best high-level description of the OpenSocial capabilities (read-only info on members and their friends, read/write info on a member’s activity notifications, and a simple data-storage API). Next, I looked at the data format for the most important content, the member profile and friends lists. This time, I’ll look at the format for activity notifications, which is also based on the Atom syndication format.


To get a list of a member’s recent activities (uploaded a photo, poked a friend, got a new job, or stuff like that, I guess) an OpenSocial application uses the URL pattern http://{DOMAIN}/activities/feeds/activities/user/{userId} according to the specs, though I suspect that might be intended to be http://{DOMAIN}/feeds/activities/user/{userId} for consistency with the other data-access URLs — it’s hard to be certain. The host should return an Atom feed of activities, like this template example lifted from the spec:

<atom:feed xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'
  <atom:category scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind'
  <atom:title>Feed title</atom:title>
  <atom:link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://sourceID.com/123'/>
  <atom:link rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed'
  <atom:link rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#post'
  <atom:link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
    <atom:category scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind'
    <atom:title>Activity title</atom:title>
    <atom:link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
    <atom:link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml'

There’s a lot of front-matter in this, so it’s hard to realize at first glance that it lists only a single activity (in the atom:entry element near the bottom). The entry itself uses mostly standard Atom elements, except for one extension element from the Google activities namespace, giving the date that the notification was received (received date is also important in the news industry, so maybe this is something Atom needs to add to its core). Other than that, the activity itself is easy enough to understand: it has a unique id, a couple of dates, a title (which seems also to serve as the sole description), and web links for viewing and editing.

Unlike the member and friends info, which was read-only, OpenSocial allows apps to post new activities and edit or delete existing ones, but only in what is called a “source-level feed” — that’s a list of a user’s activities limited to a single source (which, I assume, is the application), using the URL pattern http://{DOMAIN}/activities/feeds/activities/user/{userId}/source/{sourceId} (which, again, may be a typo with an extra “activities” path element at the beginning). In other words, an application can read activities from any source, but it can mess around only with the ones it created. I’m not sure yet how the application knows its source id, or how the host verifies the app’s identity, but I’ll be looking at those issues in a later posting.

For members and friends, I noted that the spec’s example included the OpenSearch namespace but didn’t use it. This time, the namespace is used for the totalResults, startIndex, and itemsPerPage elements. These suggest that it’s possible to page through long lists of activities, though I could find no mention of that in the spec. Again, I don’t know much about Atom, but I think that Atom-blessed way to handle paging would involve using “first”, “next”, and “last” links.

Still learning

I’m not deeply into social networking myself — with my adolescent children using Facebook, my joining that site would be like showing up in a leather jacket at their highschool dance, and 99% of the time I spend on the more grown-up sites like Plaxo, LinkedIn, and Dopplr is used approving connection requests. As a result, I wasn’t aware of how important activity notifications were for a social-networking site.

Whatever happens with OpenSocial, I have found it to be a good architectural introduction to social networking in 2007, though I suspect that the next thing I’m going to look at — the persistence data API — has more to do with Google’s business requirements than with social networking itself.

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First looks at OpenSocial: part 2 (content for members and friends)

See also First looks at OpenSocial: part 1 (URLs)

This is the second part of a series of postings describing how I’m trying to understand the technical specs for the new Google-led OpenSocial initiative. In the first part, I cut down through all the text in the specs to get at the basic URLs, which represent the raw skeleton of services defined by the spec. This time, I’m going to look at the data formats, starting with the real bread and butter of social networking, people and their friends.

The atomic age

The content format for OpenSocial is always the Atom syndication format, a competitor to RSS for syndicating blogs and other similar information. I haven’t spent very much time with Atom yet — I appreciate that it’s more fully-specified than RSS 2.0, but I already know RSS and have run into no practical problems with it (through I’m aware of the potential ones) — so I’m probably not going to notice if or where the OpenSocial specs are violating the spirit or even letter of the Atom specs. I’ve occasionally seen complaints from Atom-heads about Atom-compliance in Google’s GData, and assume those apply to OpenSocial as well.


When you ask an OpenSocial provider for information about a member (using the URL pattern http://{DOMAIN}/feeds/people/{userId}), the spec says you get back something like this, assuming you’re authorized to make the request (lifted straight from the spec, and not namespace-compliant):

<entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'
  <title>Elizabeth Bennet</title>
  <link rel='thumbnail' type='image/*'
  <link rel='alternate' type='text/html'
  <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml'
    <gml:Point xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml'>
      <gml:pos>51.668674 -0.066235</gml:pos>
  <gd:extendedProperty name='lang' value='en-US'/>

Aside from the fact that the tech writer is a Jane Austen fan, a couple of other points jump out:

  1. In addition to the Atom namespace, they’re using the GeoRSS namespace to provide lat/lon information (so that you could place the person on a map, for example), the GML namespace (which the example forgets to declare), and the GData namespace for generally unimportant information like the postal address (who gives that out?).
  2. The two most important pieces of information seem to be the thumbnail picture/buddy icon and the member’s HTML profile page, both of which are the targets of typed links.

Of course, in reality, the most important information about a member is the member’s friends list, but that information comes through a separate URL, http://{DOMAIN}/feeds/people/{userId}/friends.


This example is also lifted from the spec (and is still missing the declaration for the GML namespace):

<feed xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'
  <link rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#feed' type='application/atom+xml'
  <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href='http://sandbox.orkut.com:80/feeds/people/14358878523263729569/friends'/>
  <author><name>Elizabeth Bennet</name></author>
    <title>Jane Bennet</title>
    <link rel='thumbnail' type='image/*' href='http://img1.orkut.com/images/small/null'/>
    <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://sandbox.orkut.com:80/Profile.aspx?uid=574036770800045389'/>
    <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href='http://sandbox.orkut.com:80/feeds/people/02938391851054991972'/>
    <gml:Point xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml'>
    <gml:pos>51.668674 -0.066235</gml:pos></gml:Point></georss:where>
    <gd:extendedProperty name='lang' value='en-US'/>
    <title>Charlotte Lucas</title>
    <link rel='thumbnail' type='image/*' href='http://img2.orkut.com/images/small/null'/>
    <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://sandbox.orkut.com:80/Profile.aspx?uid=5799256900854924919'/>
    <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href='http://sandbox.orkut.com:80/feeds/people/12490088926525765025'/>
    <gml:Point xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml'>
    <gml:pos>0.0 0.0</gml:pos></gml:Point></georss:where>
    <gd:extendedProperty name='lang' value='en-US'/>
    <title>Fitzwilliam Darcy</title>
    <link rel='thumbnail' type='image/*' href='http://img3.orkut.com/images/small/1193603277/115555466.jpg'/>
    <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http://sandbox.orkut.com:80/Profile.aspx?uid=14256507824223085777'/>
    <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href='http://sandbox.orkut.com:80/feeds/people/15827776984733875930'/>
    <gml:Point xmlns:gml='http://www.opengis.net/gml'>
    <gml:pos>53.017016 -1.424363</gml:pos></gml:Point>
    <gd:extendedProperty name='lang' value='en-US'/>

Again, very straight-forward, if not namespace-compliant (due to the missing GML namespace declaration). There’s also a declaration of an OpenSearch namespace URI that’s never used, suggesting a feature that was removed in haste just before release. The friends list is simply a feed of person entries, just like the single entry returned for the member query, with a title, date, etc. at the top. Note that you always get the full friends list — there’s no support for filtering — so this might not be fun for someone who has 10,000+ friends.

What I don’t see, either in the example or the spec, is a way to provide typed relationships, like “spouse”, “colleague”, “classmate”, etc. I don’t know how important that is to application developers — simply getting the list of friends is probably the most important thing.

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First looks at OpenSocial: part 1 (URLs)

In a year or two, we’ll know whether the Google-lead OpenSocial initiative was a turning point in the social web or just a weak shot fired across Facebook’s bow. In the meantime, I think it’s worth taking some time to digest the API docs, which are still pretty rough.

I don’t know what I’m talking about…

Instead of reading and understanding everything first and then posting from a (virtual) podium, I’m going to try to work out my own understanding of the APIs right here on the web. That means that I’ll be asking questions that I’ll find the answers for later, that I’ll be making incorrect assumptions, and that I’ll be deferring hard stuff (like authorization/authentication) until I understand the basics. This is not, then, an OpenSocial primer by any stretch, since I don’t actually know what I’m talking about, but it might be useful as a snapshot of how a developer approaches a new API.

It’s the URLs, stupid

OpenSocial is designed so that any app can get information from any site as long as it has permission (I’ll figure out how that works later) — to accomplish that, it uses standard URL patterns on every site returning Atom entries and feeds. So after digging through a lot of crackerjack, I finally found the prize buried in the docs. Here are the URL patterns:

Information about a person
GET only.
List of a person’s friends
GET only.
List of a person’s activities
(Wrong?) http://{DOMAIN}/activities/feeds/activities/user/{userId}
GET only
List of a person’s activities from a single source
(Wrong?) http://{DOMAIN}/activities/feeds/activities/user/{userId}/source/{sourceId}
Application-global data
Per-instance data
Shared user data
Friends’ shared data

Did I miss anything?

Listing all the URLs together like this, instead of spreading them out over pages and pages of docs, is the best way to start with a REST API. For example, you can tell at a glance what what kind of information is available and what is and isn’t writable (you can’t add new friends for a user, but you can add a new activity). Sure, Javascript libraries, etc. are nice, but the class hierarchies can obscure how simple the underlying data actually is (or “are”, if you’ve studied Latin). You can also spot possible typos in the docs — for example, what are the odds that the activity URLs are really supposed to start with “/activities/feeds/” when everything else starts with “/feeds/”? It could be poor, inconsistent design, but I suspect cut-and-paste errors.

Next time: content

The next time I get around to looking at OpenSocial, I’ll try to figure out the formats — it shouldn’t be too hard, since they’re all Atom entries or feeds. Then I’ll get into messier stuff like auth/auth, and I may eventually try adding OpenSocial support to my OurAirports hobby site, though it doesn’t even support friends yet.

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XML 2007: XML Hardware

What kinds of problems in XML can be solved using hardware acceleration? Personally, I don’t think that (software-based) XML parsing is usually a bottleneck in typical applications, but it might be for networking applications that deal with huge volumes of XML messages, especially at the large enterprise or carrier level.

For the XML 2007 conference (Boston, 3–5 December) Rich Salz, formerly with Datapower and now with IBM, has put together a 90-minute panel to go in depth into an area that few XML specialists know about.

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XML 2007: XForms evening

In addition to the main conference programme, we’re offering two special evening events at XML 2007 (Boston, 3–5 December): an XForms evening on Monday evening, and Standards and Specs lightning rounds on Tuesday evening.

Each of these is a mini conference within a conference, with shorter presentations devoted to a single theme. The Monday XForms evening promises to be particularly fast-paced and interesting, with six 15-minute presentations followed by a half-hour closing keynote.

XForms evening (Monday 3 December 2007)

7:30: Seeing is Believing: Intuitive Visual XForms Design
John Boyer, IBM Canada
XForms offers an order of magnitude simplification to the design and development of business applications.
7:45: The Pure Declarative Approach: XForms in Real Estate Forms Case Study
Dan McCreary, Dan McCreary & Associates
The declarative power of XForms empowers business units to maintain their own applications without IT involvement, using graphical specification capture.
8:00: Creating a Custom Editor for Everything
Doug Tidwell, IBM
Use XForms to create a custom editor for an XML vocabulary. The key to this magic is a set of XML configuration files.
8:15: XForms and the eXist XML database: a perfect couple
Erik Bruchez, Orbeon
XForms speaks XML natively, and so does the open source eXist XML
database. In this talk, we show how they form a particularly
attractive combination.
8:30: XForms, XHTML, and RDFa for Internet-Facing Applications
Mark Birbeck, x-port.net Ltd., W3C Invited Expert
Combine XForms, XHTML, and RDFa to build and test widgets, gadgets, and applications.
8:45: Composition and Choreography of Web Components in XForms
Charles Wiecha, IBM Research
Leveraging the MVC design of XForms, Web 2.0 applications can be designed as reusable components loosely coupled using XAC and SCXML.
9:00: Keynote: How XForms Can Win
Elliotte Rusty Harold, Dept. of Computer Science, Polytechnic University
XForms: will it be a dream, or a dud? In this keynote address to the XForms community, Elliotte Rusty Harold offers his vision and advice on the future of XForms. (30 minutes)
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XML 2007: does XML have a future on the web?

Instead of a single keynote speaker at the beginning of the XML 2007 conference (Boston, 3-5 December), we’ve decided to start at 9:00 am on Monday 3 December with an open discussion on the topic Does XML have a future on the web?, led by three panelists:

  • Doug Crockford (Yahoo!), a prominent JavaScript expert and the inventor of JSON;

  • C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen (W3C), a founding member of the working group that created XML and co-editor of the XML 1.0 Recommendation; and; and

  • Michael Day (YesLogic), a developer and frequent contributor to O’Reilly’s XML.com blog.

Each of the panelists will make a short opening statement, then we’ll turn on the mics and let the audience take over with questions and comments for the panel.


While XML is used a lot on the web — for syndication, knowledge representation, open APIs, etc. — it certainly hasn’t developed the way we had planned back in 1997–98. XML Namespaces are often misused or simply ignored, other general web-related XML specs like XLink are barely noticed, and the payload in AJAX is often JSON rather than XML. Will there ever be a generic machine-readable web of information to parallel the human-readable web of documents? If so, will that web use plain old XML, RDF, or a non-XML format?

Think up some of your own questions, and we’ll see you in Boston from 3–5 December.

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XML 2007: Standards and specs lightning rounds

Are you involved in developing and promoting a public standard or (widely-used) specification that has to do with structured markup?

Call for participation

I’m happy to announce that the Call for proposals for the XML 2007 lightning rounds is open until November 16 (we fill slots on a first-come/first-served basis, though, so it’s better to submit early).

Our theme for this year is Public standards and (widely-implemented) specifications related to structured markup. We prefer presentations from groups or individuals involved in their development, but others can propose talks as well.

The lightning rounds are outside the regular conference program and open to the public.

What’s different?

Here’s what’s different about lightning rounds:

  • They’re very fast: each presentation consists of exactly 20 slides, shown for 20 seconds each (at which point we cut off the speaker). You can learn about a lot of standards and specs in a very short time. There’s no time for audience questions.

  • They’re free and open to the public: anyone in Boston on 4 December is welcome to drop in, even if you’re not attending the conference, and you don’t have to register for the conference to give one.

  • They’re in the evening, and some of the audience might have been out wining and dining before hand.

  • We encourage the audience to cheer, heckle, and otherwise act in ways unbecoming a regular tech conference presentation.

Act now

Michael Smith from Opera has kindly agreed to run the evening, and it will be a lot of fun. So if you have a standard or spec to promote, please get your proposal in ASAP to make sure that you get on the programme!

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